
"Chimney Cures Fear of Heights"

On February 13, 2025, in the Naumburger Tageblatt: an article from the series "Young and Old in the Company." A big thank you to our employees for taking part!

The full article is available on our website:

Top training company 2024


In January 2025, we were once again recognized as a "TOP Training Company" by the Chamber of Crafts of Saxony-Anhalt. After receiving the award in 2022, we were honored again on January 30, 2025, for the year 2024. This recognition confirms our continuous commitment to vocational training in the crafts sector.

Dirk Neumann, Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber of Crafts Halle, said at the award ceremony: "We highlight the achievements of training companies that promote apprentices above average. Sometimes it is the seemingly small things that speak for a company, such as when apprentices are well integrated from day one and feel that they are part of the team."

Criteria for this award include the number of apprentices, their exam results, additional company offers, and the opportunity to acquire additional qualifications. In our company, apprentices participate in numerous training seminars, and migrants receive additional language courses. A special feature of our training is open communication: there are individual conversations between apprentice and trainer that are neither time nor topic-limited and can take place at any time. We also fully reimburse the ticket for public transport and subsidize travel costs. After successfully completing the training, we offer our apprentices permanent employment.

We are proud to be a company operating worldwide in the field of furnace and chimney construction and to have been training qualified young people for over 30 years. Our central training profession is bricklaying. To secure our own skilled labor needs, our apprentices are involved in construction sites and projects from the very beginning - not only in Germany but also internationally.

The renewed award strengthens us in our path to inspire young people for the craft, to shape them, and to adapt the profession of furnace and chimney builder to new conditions. Craftsmanship is tradition, future, and an essential part of our lives.

Links for further reading at the Chamber of Crafts:

Link to our company video:

Merry Christmas


We wish you a peaceful Christmas season and look forward to working with you next year. Please stay healthy and in good spirits during this cozy time!

Best regards, your team from Feuerungsbau Schulz

Milling with precision: Components manufactured for test muffle furnace


We were able to manufacture the components for a test muffle furnace last month. A research company in the field of special glass research entrusted us with this order. The milled components were made from a particularly dense and heavy special stone (mullite corundum) that can withstand temperatures of up to 1700°C. The precision of our state-of-the-art CNC machine enabled us to manufacture the component exactly according to our customer's requirements.

Muffle furnaces are widely used in materials research, glass production, chemical analysis and numerous other areas.

You can find more pictures in our Facebook post.

Internship project: Building a pizza oven


Over the past two weeks, we have had the pleasure of welcoming interns who have been able to get to know various activities in our company. During their internship, the participants asked many curious questions and a lot of knowledge was exchanged. One particular highlight was the construction of a small pizza oven, which was realized under the supervision of our interns. This involved the use of industrially high-quality building materials such as fireclay and fireclay mortar, which we also use on our daily construction sites. To strengthen the mortar, the mini-ovens were fired and then plastered.

The first heating tests were successful, so that mini pizzas could be baked in them the following day and then eaten. The trainees proudly took their self-built ovens home with them. We were delighted with the interns' efforts and hope that we were able to leave a lasting impression. Who knows, maybe we'll see each other again for a vacation job or an apprenticeship.

You can find more pictures in our Facebook post.

Mission training


Recently, we have been on the road again to present our company and our apprenticeships in bricklaying, building construction and chimney builders (m/f/d).

On 31.08.2024, we were therefore guests at the Friedrich-Ludwig Jahn Secondary School in Freyburg for its open day. A colorful supporting program was offered, which attracted many parents and also some former students. Although we did not have many conversations with students of training age, we were able to recruit a student intern for October.

On the afternoon of 11.09.2024, the “Unteres Geiseltal” secondary school in Braunsbedra hosted a careers and orientation fair. Here, students in grades 7-10 had to find out about the companies and answer a list of questions. Some good discussions were held and we hope to have aroused the interest of some in the bricklaying profession.

The careers and training fair in Weißenfels took place on 12.09.2024. We were represented with our stand all day in the outdoor area of the Kulturhaus. In total, there were over 60 exhibitors and 600 pupils from the surrounding schools. To keep everything organized, the students were divided into 3 different time slots. At first it was a challenge to get the young people to the stand, but if the active approach was successful, the pupils were positively surprised at the interesting projects they could find at our stand.

On 26.09.2024, we also took part in the “my Future” training fair in Naumburg. One of our trainees was even there and was able to give a vivid demonstration of what it means to work in chimney construction. The people we spoke to were very impressed and so we hope to find one or two interested people here too.

Open Day 2024 at Feuerungsbau Schulz


The first guests arrived at 8:45 am. On 17.09.2024, we invited customers, suppliers and various stakeholders to our open day in Balgstädt in the beautiful Burgenland district. Our team awaited the visitors with three planned tours. Holger Schulz, the Managing Director, began by introducing our company and the various business areas. Our project managers then took over the groups and explained in our new factory hall, for example, that they are standing on rain collection tanks with a capacity of 170,000 liters. There was also a lot to learn about the new crane technology, a newly acquired high-temperature furnace and the sandblasting room. Our partner company, runkel gas systems GmbH, was also on site. Technical Managing Director Kay Dietzel reported on the company's fields of activity and presented a newly installed burner and the associated gas pipeline technology.

The highlight was our stone processing center. Here we showed how we mill molded parts for a customer, which are then installed as a complete molded stone insert in a pendulum kiln. There were many discussions about the technical details and the possibilities of the machine. The drone flight over the site concluded the guided tour. We were able to demonstrate the technology we use to inspect chimneys.

Afterwards, various technical discussions were held in a relaxed atmosphere, while visitors were able to fortify themselves with small treats and drinks at the buffet. We would like to thank all visitors for their interest and all employees for their active support in the preparation and implementation of the event.

You can find impressions on our YouTube channel.

An initiative by SEWIG: WandelMut Feuerungsbau Schulz Balgstädt


SEWIG (Strukturentwicklungs- und Wirtschaftsfördergesellschaft Burgenlandkreis mbH) has launched an initiative on the subject of 'Between change and courage'.

e are involved and were able to present ourselves as a company as part of the campaign. We were happy to participate in the WandelMut project. The collaboration was fun and the video turned out great. Many thanks to SEWIG Burgenlandkreis for the effort and for the professional filming. We hope to inspire other companies in the region with this.

You can find the video on our You Tube Kanal.

With a customer in Austria


We visited a long-standing customer in Austria for regular condition monitoring of a 105 m masonry chimney. The condition monitoring in accordance with DIN EN 13084 was carried out from the access ladder, from the outside terrain and using a camera drone. The overall visual impression, the outer surface of the chimney, the foundation or anchoring, the chimney head or mouth area, equipment such as the ladder, platform, stage and the external lightning protection system were inspected. The condition monitoring was successfully completed in fine weather and an inspection report with photo documentation was handed over to the customer. You can find some nice photos in our Facebook post.

Balgstädter art in Munich


“The combustion engineering specialist Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG, based in the Unstruttal, has implemented a design by the internationally known artist Karin Sander for a “spiral chimney””

The article in the Naumburger Tageblatt, published on July 30th, begins with these words. has been published. Karin Sander's artificial chimney could finally be installed in its new location. A team of three people from our company was on site and took on the task. All necessary components were manufactured in-house in Balgstädt, so construction went smoothly. We are proud that we were able to take on this “Solomonic Pillar” project and would like to thank everyone for the good cooperation!

You can find the complete article at the following link: feuerungsbau/downloads

Renewal of the harbor furnace in Reichenbach


We were on duty with our long-standing customer – the Farbglashütte in Reichenbach / Oberlausitz – in April of this year. We should replace the oven floor of the lower oven. For this purpose, old masonry was chiseled out and new lining was installed. Furthermore, new filling materials were used and the floor was leveled. The working holes were provided with new shaped stones and everything was put in order again. From the client's perspective, the order was carried out perfectly.

This means that colored glass can now continue to be produced with the glass manufacturer's 150-year tradition. Production takes place here in Reichenbach - alternating - in one of two port ovens. A port furnace is a traditional type of melting furnace used by glass manufacturers. A port furnace is used at a glass manufacturer by placing the raw materials into refractory crucibles (ports) and melting them at very high temperatures. After several hours or days, a homogeneous glass mass is created, which is then removed from the ports and further processed.

Burgenlandkreis company run 2024


Some people set off for a leisurely city tour through Naumburg... others lace up their running shoes and show off how sporty they are in downtown Naumburg.

So does our team 'Fire & Flame'. In a mixed team of 4, they started on the market square on June 13, 2024 to applause from the spectators. The route led around the old town - from the market to the Marientor, then along the old city wall and over the Lindenring back to the market. A total of 2.3 km had to be completed.

Everyone did their best to cross the finish line with the cheerleaders with great times. All four arrived safely back with a good atmosphere and music. The finisher clips are the best proof of this! Everyone had fun taking part and we enjoyed being there. That's why plans are already being made for next year as to which constellations will be run. Perhaps a senior relay and a junior relay will be registered.

Because … after the company run is before the company run.

We as a company are proud of our employees for representing us so sportily in this campaign!

Ablassfest 2024 in Balgstädt


On June 1st there was something to celebrate again in Balgstädt. The annual indulgence festival was coming up. Despite bad weather forecasts, the plans were stuck to and the parade and the associated festival went ahead. A good decision, as it turned out. It remained dry for the parade and we are already used to the rain showers at the subsequent party in the park. No reason to let your mood be spoiled!

We were also Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG at the start. This time new with a smoking chimney on our trailer, which was an eye-catcher. We were also accompanied by the Manitou, a new addition to our fleet. Beautifully decorated, our employee was able to be transported well strapped in and probably had one of the best views. We look forward to a successful celebration with the Ablassverein!

Company hiking day - luckily the feared rain shower didn't happen


On Friday, May 31, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. the agreed meeting for the first company hiking day was for all employees at the company location in Balgstädt. Everyone was able to receive their marching provisions in weatherproof clothing and in dry weather. Everyone was able to start together at 9 a.m. sharp. A little quickly at first, as the assumption was that it would be tight by midday. But in the end it turned out that everyone was good on foot and was able to complete the route faster than expected.

On the way, the wild horses on the Rödel and a beautiful piece of nature could be admired. Lots of greenery and some rare plants could be discovered. On the partly very jungle-like paths there were some worth seeing views to marvel at, which were also appreciated with big AH and OH. After the hike, a regional grill master was waiting for us, who had already heated up his shish kebab grill. Once lunch was served, everyone was able to enjoy it. There was plenty of it and everyone could get their hands on it.

Conclusion: A nice get-together for a few conversations outside of the usual work environment with some time to switch off. At the moment we can well imagine making this a tradition. We already have our first thoughts for next year...

We would like to thank all employees for taking part and hope you had fun.

Optimization of existing processes - An example on the subject of digitalization


A report on the subject of digitalization was published about us in the specialist magazine of the German Society for Fireproof and Chimney Construction e.V. (dgfs). We are pleased about this content and would like to thank you for the good cooperation during the creation of the specialist article. Here is a first excerpt. We make the complete article available to you in our download area >> to the article.

„In Balgstädt beginnt der Wirkungskreis der Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG. Das Mittelstandsunternehmen mit internationaler Ausrichtung wird in zweiter Generation vom Inhaber Holger Schulz geführt. Zu den Hauptgeschäftsfeldern gehören weltweite Neubauten, Instandhaltungen und Wartungen im industriellen Feuerungs- und Schornsteinbau sowie im technischen Verschleißschutz. Parallel zu den drei Hauptgeschäftsfeldern gibt es einen Onlineshop für feuerfeste und keramische Produkte.

Am Firmenstandort Balgstädt wurden innerhalb der letzten drei Jahrzehnte fortwährende Investitionen und umfangreiche Geschäftserweiterungen vorgenommen. So wurde 2022 / 2023 eine große Fertigungs- und Montagehalle incl. modernem Sozial- und Verwaltungstrakt angebaut. Diese gibt ausreichend Platz, um auftragsbezogene Bauteile zukünftig vor Ort effizienter vorzubereiten, auszukleiden oder zu beschichten. Außerdem wurde in diesem Zuge eine bestehende Lagerhalle umgebaut, um Raum für eine multifunktionale 5-Achs-CNC-Fräse (Steinbearbeitungszentrum) in die Gesamtprozesse zu integrieren. Dadurch können seit 2023 Formsteine bzw. komplexe Bauteile nach Maß angeboten und somit die Digitalisierung im Unternehmen vorangetrieben werden.“

Rescue at height: Dangerous sight – but everything is under control


Our employees take part in height rescue training at regular intervals. As you can see, a colleague urgently needs to be rescued. But your colleagues have everything under control. The trainer monitors that all movements are correct.

These training courses take place on the height rescue mast on our company premises. Our employees often work at dizzying heights to monitor, renovate or demolish chimneys. For this reason, it is essential that they can rely on each other and be able to help each other in emergencies. Before you go up, securing yourself with the right, tested straps is the most important thing. Only two people can go up. Anyone who can and is allowed to work at heights must be absolutely free from vertigo and take part in regular training courses. This way we can ensure the safety of our employees and guarantee our clients that professionals are at work.

Our height rescue mast can be rented on request. This means we can offer this training and further education opportunity to regional companies or fire departments.

Please find out more at:

Trainee wanted! Become part of our team in Balgstädt (BLK)!



  • Furnace and chimney builder (m/f/d)
  • Structural construction worker (m/f/d)
  • Bricklayer (m/f/d)

Lay the foundation for your career and start your training with us!

Have a nice Easter time 2024


Das Osterfest steht vor der Tür,
voll Freude, Farben, Leben pur.
Möge es Ihnen und Ihrer Familie Glück und Freude bringen,
die Sonne zum Fest scheinen und die Vögel singen.

The Easter holidays start here in Saxony-Anhalt next week and the younger people in particular are really looking forward to Easter. But adults should also take time for the spring sun and enjoy their days off! Switch off and go out into nature to experience the awakening of spring. We as a company are already looking forward to your new projects, which we can manage a little better with the good weather than in the cold.

Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG wishes you a happy Easter and all the best!

Disassembly & assembly of wood chip boilers


Last year we took part in a public tender for the Bundeswehr's building management and were subsequently awarded the contract. It was about replacing the FF lining in a wood chip boiler in the Bundeswehr barracks in Appen (Schleswig-Holstein.

FYI: A wood chip boiler is used to burn biomass, particularly wood chips, as fuel to produce heat or hot water. Wood chip boilers play an important role in the use of renewable energy as they use biomass as fuel, which, unlike fossil fuels, is carbon neutral and therefore helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The modernization increases energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. They typically have improved combustion technologies, emission control systems and control technology that minimize fuel consumption and reduce emissions. Overall, wood chip boilers offer a cost-effective and sustainable way to generate heat and are a popular choice for those looking for alternative heating solutions, particularly in rural areas where biomass is readily available.

First, the old lining of the boiler had to be broken out and the demolition materials had to be disposed of professionally. Numerous tons of refractory materials were then installed on site. The big challenge was access via a very narrow staircase, which made it somewhat difficult to remove the broken materials and provide the new materials. With a little inventiveness and patience, our qualified employees were able to overcome this hurdle and the project was completed very well overall. We would like to thank the client for his trust and the good and uncomplicated cooperation.

More pictures in our Facebook post (click here)

Central German Economy 02/2024 'Custom tailoring for stones'


There is an article about our company on pages 22 and 23 of the members' magazine of the Halle-Dessau Chamber of Commerce and Industry 02/2024.

Even the introduction is very easy to read:

“2023 was an exciting year for Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG. A new production hall grew on Balgstädter Lohweg. Its heart is a CNC machining center. This ultra-modern machine now completes the step-by-step optimized production. Here, what was ordered beforehand can be manufactured in a short time thanks to a digital solution. In this way, the family-run specialist company is expanding its capacities and developing new business through an expanded range of offerings. But from the beginning…”

You can read the complete article on our website:

Regenerative afterburning system


New processes for eliminating organic air pollutants are in high demand in some companies in order to meet new legal requirements for climate protection. One option is regenerative post-combustion systems (RNV), which are installed in biogas processing plants, landfills, printing plants or smoking plants to reduce pollutants emitted and to reduce odor nuisance. For the first time we were able to support a project of this kind. On behalf of a partner company, we manufactured the process chamber for a regenerative afterburning system (RNV) to remove organic air pollutants from a recycling process. This included, among other things, the production of the housing made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel (V4A) according to customer specifications, the fireproof lining of the chamber and the installation of heat storage bricks. Our task also included the construction of an associated 10 m high element chimney including assembly on site at the customer's site in Hamburg.

Our team took care of the order, the transport involved and the logistics of material procurement. A mobile crane was placed on site for unloading. The project was completed on time and according to the customer's wishes. A project with a future character that we were happy to support. It brought new challenges, but our experience in the refractory sector meant we were able to master it with flying colors.

More pictures in our facebook-post.

Open day at the Bad Bibra secondary school


On January 13th, 2024 we were guests at the Bad Bibra secondary school for the open day. The school uses this format to present its career-oriented school profile and the diverse learning opportunities to parents, students and guests. In addition to the 9th and 10th graders, who were invited to the career choice orientation, the future 5th graders also took advantage of the opportunity to be shown around the school. We were invited for the first time this year and were able to present our apprenticeships. In addition to Günter Schulz GmbH, other regional companies from the construction, craft, care and food sectors were on site. Since we were the only ones with the training professions of bricklayer and furnace and chimney builder, we hope that we have aroused interest among young people with an affinity for construction and crafts and won them over for an internship or vocational training.

In addition to our small stone building sets, this time there was also a model of a Hoffmann ring kiln. We want to use this to illustrate our practical work. Our miniature wall bricks prove to be an effective way to attract visitors' attention and hopefully arouse their curiosity about potential career fields.

We are already looking forward to the next time.

Article in Natursteinmagazin 12/2023: “Power, also for stonemasons”


“The Günter Schulz company based in Balgstädt, which is active in furnace construction, produces shaped bricks. To do this, she uses a T958 CNC machining center from Thibaut, whose capabilities she largely exploits. At the same time, the 50-employee company invites stonemasonry companies to use the high-tech machine.”

With these words, editor Filip Lachmann introduces his specialist article about our company in the December issue of the trade magazine 'Natursteinmagazin'. Last fall he visited us and looked around. A lot of information was exchanged and various current and future possible projects were discussed. Mr. Lachmann wrote a very apt summary of his visit in the article. We would like to thank you very much and look forward to making new contacts in the area of ​​natural stone processing.

We make the complete article available for you to read or download at the following link: TO DOWNLOAD

Published in the „Fachzeitschrift Naturstein, Ebner Media Group Ulm“

Every hand is needed


The Christmas season brings people together. We spend contemplative hours together with our loved ones, experiencing joy and pleasant moments. Whether old or young, big or small. And it's especially good when everyone helps out. Just like in crafts.

We wish you a happy holiday and look forward to 2024.

Your team from Feuerungsbau Schulz

Chimney inspection in Neuss


In the middle of the year we were working for our customer Speira in Neuss to monitor chimneys. We checked a total of 28 chimneys in accordance with DIN EN 13084. The following details, among others, are checked: the overall visual impression, the outer shaft, the corrosion protection, the foundation anchors, chimney head/mouth, equipment such as add-on parts and the external lightning protection system. During the inspection, we take ultrasonic wall thickness measurements and coating thickness measurements.

At the end of this order, our customer receives corresponding examination reports including photo documentation and lists of any repairs that may be required. Speira is a leading European aluminum rolling and recycling company. At a total of eleven recycling and rolling production sites in Germany and Norway, including its own research and development, Speira recycles up to 650,000 tons of aluminum per year and produces around one million tons of rolled products. We thank you for the trust you have placed in us and look forward to the next order.

There are more pictures worth seeing in our Facebook post: facebook post

Weißenfelser training fair


On November 14th In 2023 we were at the training fair in the cultural center in Weißenfels to present our apprenticeships. Schools from Weißenfels and Hohenmölsen were guests from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. From 2 p.m. the fair was also open to parents and their interested children. We were able to have some interesting conversations and get one or two students interested in an internship and hopefully also in an upcoming apprenticeship as a bricklayer, building construction worker or even a furnace and chimney builder.

Our small new stone building set caused a lot of enthusiasm not only among students, but also among teachers, carers and neighbors at the stand. The students and many adults tried their hand at “wall-building” and were able to discover unimagined abilities.

We now hope that this interest will also be reflected in operational practice and that we will have an influx of applications for future trainees. For us as a company, training fairs and school visits are one of the best opportunities to present ourselves and introduce our training careers. If anyone has contact with a school in our region, we would be happy to exchange information. You are welcome to contact Annelie Schwarzer (Human Resources) about this.

How are handmade clinker bricks made?


In the ARD report from 'livenachneun', the presenter Selina Bölle visits the Gillrath brick and clinker factory in Erkelenz (North Rhine-Westphalia). The last producing ring kiln in NRW is located here. Overall, it is one of the few remaining in Europe. We know the ring furnace more than exactly because we are commissioned with regular maintenance and repair work. Recently, extensive vault repair work took place. In the video and also in our pictures of the repair work you first become aware of the dimensions of the ring furnace. This is designed as an oval 45 m long. Alternating between firing on one side and working on the opposite. This means that finished clinker bricks can cool down in the 2 m high tunnel and new ones can be stacked for firing at the same time. The firing process can reach temperatures of up to 1200 °C.

We think the article is worth seeing and very educational, or did you know how clinker bricks are made? :-)

To the post:

The Naumburger Tageblatt reported on October 26th, 2023: Absolutely custom-made in XXL


Am 26.10.23 veröffentlichte das Naumburger Tageblatt einen Bericht zu unserem Projekt im Klinikum Bergmannstrost in Halle. Wir zitieren gern den Reporter Andreas Löffler und geben den Text hier 1:1 wieder:

Balgstädter Spezialunternehmen hat im Klinikum Bergmannstrost in Halle den Austausch der Stahlschornsteinanlage durchgeführt. Erste Referenz im Krankenhausbereich geschaffen.

Ein richtiggehendes Leuchtturmprojekt (was hier in gewisser Weise sogar wörtlich zu nehmen ist) steht bei der Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG Balgstädt kurz vor dem Abschluss. Der Spezialist für industriellen Feuerungs- und Schornsteinbau hat im BG Klinikum Bergmannstrost in Halle den Austausch der Stahlschornsteinanlage des klinikeigenen Erdgas-Kraftwerks vorgenommen – bei laufendem Betrieb. „Es liegt ja auf der Hand, dass die Versorgung des Krankenhauses mit Wärme und Warmwasser, Druckluft und Dampf durchgängig gesichert sein muss“, erklärt Holger Schulz, der Geschäftsführer der Balgstädter Firma. Beim sogenannten Umschluss, also dem Moment des Übergangs von der Altanlage auf die neu installierte Konstruktion, seien seine Monteure daher sogar zwischen 3 und 6 Uhr nachts im Einsatz gewesen. „Leuchtturmgleich“ hatte in den Tagen davor ein 250-Tonnen- Schwerlastkran mit fast 100 Metern Mastlänge, mit dem die Demontage der alten und das Einsetzen der neuen, 32 Meter hohen Stahlschornsteine erfolgte, die Silhouette des Klinikums überragt. Zuvor musste gar die Dachkonstruktion geöffnet werden, da sich die Schornsteinanlage relativ mittig im Gebäudekomplex befindet. Die allergrößte Herausforderung für das 50-Leute-Unternehmen, das in diesem Jahr mit dem Unternehmerpreis des Burgenlandkreises geehrt worden ist, war allerdings die höchst komplexe Planung und Vorbereitung der eigenen, die eigentliche Schornsteinanlage sowie die zu dieser führenden Abgasleitungen betreffenden Arbeiten – die zudem fast schon minutengenau mit anderen Gewerken wie etwa dem für den Einbau neuer Brennkessel zuständigen Unternehmen abzustimmen und zu koordinieren waren. Seit dem Gewinn der Ausschreibung und der in diesem Frühjahr erfolgten Beauftragung seien drei bis vier seiner hochqualifizierten Planungs- und Konstruktionsingenieure permanent mit dem Projekt beschäftigt gewesen, schildert Holger Schulz. „Auf der Baustelle selbst waren wir jetzt je nach Bauphase mit fünf bis zehn Monteuren vor Ort. Spätestens bis Mitte November wollen wir die letzten noch ausstehenden Detailarbeiten an den Verbindungsleitungen abgeschlossen haben“, so der Chef. Für Holger Schulz und sein Team hat das Krankenhaus-Projekt in Halle aus zwei Gründen besondere Bedeutung. „Zum einen ist uns nochmals deutlich vor Augen geführt worden, wie wichtig und richtig die Großinvestition in unsere neue, viel Platz und Möglichkeiten bietende Vorfertigungshalle gewesen ist. Zum anderen haben wir nach vielen Schornsteinprojekten für Stadtwerke jetzt erstmals auch eine Referenz im Klinikbereich. Gut möglich, dass weitere solche Projekte folgen.“


Das Klinikum selbst veröffentlichte dazu ein Reel auf seiner Facebookseite:

A mission in Vietnam


We received another very special order from our long-standing customer Hosokawa Alpine, based in Augsburg: deployment in Vietnam. Our lead fitter made the long journey to reline a ball mill for the company. We were tasked with managing and controlling the ceramic lining of the ball mill. The area of ​​the mill to be lined was 45 m². Our customer Hosokawa Alpine provided the appropriate specialist staff and so the lining was carried out as a team. An aluminum oxide lining consisting of wedge and rectangular stones was available to line the mill. The lining was placed in the mill according to the installation plan using an epoxy resin adhesive. Maintaining a minimum joint thickness is very important when lining in order to guarantee the best stability and a long service life.

Orders of this type are very exciting because the local conditions are not known in detail. However, thanks to years of experience in foreign projects, our lead technician is flexible and competent in order to overcome the challenges in the best possible way. Thank you to our customers for your trust in us and our employees.

Start of training for our new apprentices


The new training year also started for our new apprentices on September 1st, 2023. Two students are now starting their training as bricklayers at our company, Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG. We are very pleased that you found your way to us and would be happy to support you during your training period.

Right at the start of the training there was basic personal equipment. Everything important that a bricklayer needs in his daily work is included in the starter package. The team of colleagues gave both of them a friendly welcome and initial construction site experience was also gained during the internship. To a good cooperation! We wish you all the best and many learning successes during your apprenticeship.

The “certified shop – safe shopping” seal has been renewed


You get the feeling that our seal shines a little more... At the beginning of September we received the seal and the corresponding certificate for our schuba shop from the Verein sicherer und seriöser Internetshopbetreiber e.V. Once a year, our schuba shop is thoroughly inspected by a neutral law firm, which acts as an inspection body. Over 100 criteria play a role. For example, test orders are placed in order to be able to understand the processes in the shop. In addition, the comparability of the basic prices, the item descriptions, the presentation of the products, all legal details (imprint, general terms and conditions, data protection declaration, ...) and the payment options are carefully checked.

There have also been corrections to be made in accordance with the requirements. For example, we remember that we forgot to enter the basic prices for two new items. Unfortunately, given the large amount of detailed information that has to be stored for each product, this sometimes cannot be avoided.

One more reason to belong to the club so that you can correct mistakes at short notice. This year there were no complaints. With our new schuba shop - which has been operating in this form since February 2022 - we were able to meet the requirements and are pleased about the new certificate. We have been a member since 2008 and can always rely on the expert advice we receive from the association. Thank you very much for this and look forward to continued good cooperation!

Turbinenhaus Naumburg: “My Future” training exchange


On September 12th, 2023 we were represented at the “My Future” training exchange in Naumburg in the Turbinenhaus. In 3 staggered sessions, students from 9th and 10th grades from schools in the area were able to find out about the training offers from around 20 different companies. There we presented our training occupations as bricklayer, building construction worker and furnace and chimney builder. After some very interesting discussions, we hope to have inspired the young people to take up vocational training in construction.

Because as specialists in refractory and chimney construction, we don't put any obstacles in the way of your future, except to stack them on top of each other. If you want to aim high, you've come to the right place. Because we are looking for you as a high-flyer and globetrotter. With us you can climb chimneys, listed buildings or industrial plants. Or you work in furnace construction on furnaces, incineration plants or industrial mills. With us, exciting variety is guaranteed.

Apply now and come with us to national and international construction sites. Do something that lasts forever! Be smart, come to the construction!

Reports on the training fair can be found among others: on the following pages:

The DHZ reports in its 17th issue from September 8th, 2023: Quickly get to the stone you want


In the DHZ on September 8th, 2023, our company's award for the digital success story of Saxony-Anhalt was taken up again. We are still proud and extremely surprised that our commitment has been and continues to be so recognized by the public. Our stone configurator with 3D views allows us to tackle completely new projects, solves company problems and opens up contacts with new customer groups. We are excited about the topics that will reach us in this context in the future.

The complete edition is available here:ttps://

September 16th, 2023 Crafts Day - Only with us


We are proud to be part of the craft!

The ZDH (Central Association of German Crafts) is once again providing its members with beautiful photo and video material for Craft Day ... Thanks for that!

Click here for the video:

Individual cuts – made-to-measure stone configuration


We are receiving more and more inquiries and orders for stone cuts with special dimensions. Millings, cuts, bores, openings or chamfers: we produce the blanks in the shortest possible time. Today we show a nice example. A circular blank with an opening was made from a fireclay plate Schuba®FFP-A35t, 500x500x35mm, P6-35, fireproof. The cut was specially made for a customer. The configuration was handled using our 3D configurator.

Here is the relevant video:

Kulturweberei Finsterwalde – Chimney renovation by our company


In April of this year the time had come and the new town hall - the 'cultural weaving mill' in Finsterwalde was opened. With many events, the new multifunctional hall now attracts thousands of visitors. Concerts, readings, musicals and other events of all kinds are offered.
We are pleased that we were allowed to be part of this project. Our company – Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG - was commissioned with the chimney renovation of the old cloth factory.
An extensive repair has now been carried out. The 46 m high masonry chimney was cleaned, damaged clinker bricks replaced and the masonry repointed. In addition, the riser was revised and the old stage at the chimney cap was dismantled.

You can find out more about Kulturwebreit itself at:

Or in the opening video:

Customer reviews at ekomi


Customer feedback on work from our stone processing center - received on 07/24/23 via ekomi - garnished with the highest number of stars (5) ... we just have to share that ...

"I have an Olsberg fireplace insert, the production of which has been discontinued and spare parts (especially schamotte) are slowly becoming scarce. Schuba Shop can help as much as possible by buying up existing parts, but certain stones are simply no longer available and that is nationwide. The manufacturer Olsberg makes it easy for itself Adjusted and ready - just customer unfriendly and bad. Contacted the Schuba shop, described the problem and made an appointment. Send the stone that is no longer available as a sample and get a tailor-made stone within a week. That's how service works."

We also received a lot of praise in advance in email correspondence: "Thank you very much for the quick reply and, as your colleague already informed you, I am very impressed by your customer service. From the first correspondence to every consultation, right through to the conclusion of the production of a Chamotte Steines, which is actually no longer available in Germany, everything was perfect. If there is somewhere the opportunity to rate your company, please let me know. Such a service is rare. Thank you very much and keep it up."

Once again at this point: Thank you very much for this great feedback - we will pass the praise on to the team internally and will continue to provide exactly this service. Nice that there are people who share good experiences and can express their joy in this way!

Boards that mean our world


When it comes to high altitudes, precision and constant caution are the order of the day. Boards that mean our world are installed at a height of several hundred meters as scaffolding for chimney renovation. If you don't have a head for heights here, you have no chance. Always at least two people go upstairs. Teamwork is the be-all and end-all. You have to be able to rely on each other and always be highly concentrated. Fuses and appropriate protective clothing are an absolute must in chimney construction. Regular training is essential, because this is the only way to understand that such activities always require full commitment and 100% attention. It is exciting and varied up there in dizzy heights and there is also a great view. In our pictures: Views that only people in the field experience!

Company of the year 2023


We will not soon forget June 16, 2023. In the morning we were awarded first place for our digital success story and in the evening we received the award for company of the year in the sparkling wine cellar in Freyburg. The prize was awarded by the district, the Sparkasse Burgenlandkreis as well as the Naumburger Tageblatt, the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung and the Wochenspiegel.

At the summer reception, our managing director Holger Schulz was present with 5 employees at the event. Our company prevailed against 33 other companies from the Saale-Unstrut-Elster region. It was an eventful evening, with a nice program and culinary delights - of course, a glass of 'Rotkäppchen' was a must to toast on such an evening.

In preparation for our company of the year award on June 16, 2023, an image film was shot that describes our services and our company very well. ... just take a look ...

Our digital success story - 1st place award


We've had a lot going on in the last week. On Tuesday (06/13/23) the day of the open house, on Friday morning for the digital forum in the multimedia center in Halle and in the evening for the summer reception of the Burgenland district in the atrium of the Freyburger Sektkellerei. (more on that in the next post)

In the morning in Halle, the winners of the 'Digital Success Stories from Saxony-Anhalt' competition were awarded. We were among the top six companies and were therefore able to personally present our digital success story to the jury in Magdeburg. We were super surprised that we were awarded 1st place on Friday. In his speech, the chairman of the chamber of crafts, Thomas Keindorf, found many appreciative words about our project involving our online stone configurator.

We were able to take the award with us to Balgstädt that day and had nice conversations with representatives of the Chamber of Crafts, the other winners and exhibitors. Many thanks to the IHK Halle-Dessau for the award and thus the appreciation and recognition of our concept. It is a sign that we are on the right track and that we can contribute to digitization and economic progress in Saxony-Anhalt with our innovative and sustainable changes.

The Halle Chamber of Crafts reports as follows:

image rights: IHK Halle-Dessau/Tilo Weiskopf

06/13/2023 here in Balgstädt: We invited you to the open day!

13.06.2023 with us in Balgstädt:

We invited you to the open day!

Industrial customers, business partners, residents and families of our employees have accepted our invitation.

We were able to present our range of services:

☛ furnace and chimney construction
☛ Drone flight to monitor the condition of industrial chimneys
☛ wear protection
☛ 3D scan of molded parts
☛ stone cuts
☛ stone processing center
☛ 3D configurator
☛ schuba shop with refractory and ceramic products

A few impressions can be found under the following YouTube link:

It was a very successful event with many nice and interesting conversations, new contacts and great encounters. Many thanks to our visitors for your interest!

MDR at 4: Filigree made of rock thanks to the unique giant milling machine


"More than six meters wide, four and a half meters high, eleven tons heavy - that's the Thibaut T958 or the Michelangelo among the machines. Because like the Renaissance artist, the giant machine can carve filigree shapes out of a block of stone."

On the 5th of June, 2023, the report on the topic: "Delicate work made of rock thanks to the unique giant milling machine" was broadcast on MDR at four.

A nice contribution that shows what our new stone milling machine can do and makes it easy to understand what our work involves. Duy Tran visited us in Balgstädt at Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG and at the schuba shop.

Many thanks to Duy Tran and MDR for the visit, the great report and the good cooperation!

Individual stone cutting - stone milling machine - stone processing center - CNC milling machine - stones made to measure



How it works? - Let's show in our video

Use this You Tube link directly >>

Winner of the painting competition 'My construction site'


Publication by the construction trade association on 05/25/23 on Facebook:

"Today the winners of the painting competition "MY CONSTRUCTION SITE" in the day-care center "Kleine Rebläuse" Freyburg/U. awarded. The Construction Industry Association created this competition to get children interested in the construction trade at daycare age. The award was made by the member company Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG from Balgstädt, by the managing director Holger Schulz.
The head of the day-care center, Mrs. Jesswein, presented the certificates to the children, whose drawings were selected by a jury according to specific criteria.
The construction industry association donated the prizes in the form of functional and high-quality children's tools, because "Early practice is..."

What we think about the campaign:

It was really a great action! A heartfelt thank you to the construction industry association and above all to Ms. Jesswein, her team and especially the children who took part.
Everything was so great and lovingly prepared and well organized!
It was like you were at a little garden party. It was a great pleasure to get to know the children and the day care center Rebläuse!
Such beautiful works of art were created ... really a very special gallery - every picture is unique.
The photos alone speak volumes, we think.

The resulting video is so beautiful too. It's wonderful how happy the children can be!

All the best to all fathers!


Men, Happy Father's Day. We know what you're capable of... But on Men's Day (this Thursday) you should really relax. Have lots of fun with it!

Thank you for being there for us! ❤️

All the best to all mothers!


Dear mothers, Happy Mother's Day! We're celebrating you more than ever this week because what you're doing is amazing.

Thank you for your love and dedication to the most important job in the world. ❤️

You are awesome!

Do something that stays forever! Be smart, come to the construction!


On April 22nd, 2023 we were represented in the ÜAZ Holleben at the career information day in the best weather.

We presented our apprenticeships as mason, skilled structural worker and furnace and chimney fitter. Because as a specialist in refractory and chimney construction, we don't put any obstacles in the way of your future, at most to stack them on top of each other.

If you want to aim high, you've come to the right place. Because we are looking for you as a high-flyer and globetrotter. With us you climb chimneys, listed buildings or industrial plants. Or you work in furnace construction on furnaces, incinerators or industrial mills. Exciting variety is guaranteed with us.

Apply now and come with us to national and international construction sites.

Career Information Day Construction April 22, 2023, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - We'll be there!


Career information day in construction at the ÜAZ Holleben, Südstraße 4a, 06179 Teutschenthal. Exciting activities are waiting for you. There is information about dual and cooperative courses and there are plenty of training companies on site ... to discover, approach and apply.

We are on! Feel free to come to our stand if you are interested in bricklaying...

Happy Easter to you!


The team at Feuerungsbau Schulz in Balgstädt wishes you and your families a happy Easter. Enjoy the time together and relax a bit. We hope that you will find time for the important moments and also one or the other Easter egg. We are at your disposal until Maundy Thursday and will be there for you again as usual on Tuesday 11 April.

stone configurator | Custom Stones | 3D configurator | Shaped bricks in 24 hours | Individual | Precise


Milling, sawing, drilling - at Schuba Shop (online shop from Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG) you can configure silimanite, fireclay and other stones as you wish! Buy the right stones directly from us in the shop or have your stones configured at home.

Lining sizer


In February, an order for a southern European customer was carried out in our new production hall. The customer develops, plans and manufactures components as well as complete systems for the processing of powders, granules and bulk materials for a wide variety of industrial sectors. This customer supplied us with a sizer.

A sizer has the following function:
The classifier (sizer) is a unit for classifying solid particles. Ground material (minerals, recycling material, food, toner, etc.), which comes from a mill (shredding unit) in the air flow into the classifier, is sorted according to particle size. The individual particles are separated according to the sinking speed under the influence of grain size, density and grain shape. The separation limit or the desired particle size of the classifying wheel can be set via the speed. Fines that are below the separation limit are transported with the sifting air through the rotor blades of the sifting wheel and discharged in the main air flow at the fines discharge. Coarse grain, which is above the separation limit, is rejected by the sifting wheel and discharged at the coarse material discharge.

All essential parts of the sizer that come into contact with the product are lined in-house with special AL2O3 ceramic blocks and are therefore protected against wear.

The sizer with the dimensions ø400 x 1100mm was lined here in Balgstädt with aluminum oxide plates in small parts by hand. Our experienced employees know exactly what is important. Due to the prefabrication in our house, an uncomplicated and timely completion was possible. The component has been packed securely for transport and has already arrived at the customer. Many thanks to our customers for the trust they have placed in us.

Doing something no one else is doing


Many thanks to Yvonne Bachmann from the DHZ. We were very pleased about your visit and your article afterwards. This was published in the DHZ on 02/17/23.

Visit of Radio SAW - Our apprenticeships are presented


2 employees from Radio SAW visited us on January 31, 2023 to report on the apprenticeship 'bricklayer' and the specialization as a furnace and chimney fitter. As Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG, we offer both options for vocational training. The post was sent on 02/06/2023 at around 06:15. It has been reported that as a company we operate nationally and internationally (e.g. in Norway, the USA, China and India) and that our main focus is on chimneys and stoves.

Our employee Karl Röder has been with the company for 14 years and is very familiar with international special orders. For this reason, he was an ideal interview partner: "We cover the entire area from chimney construction, furnace construction, glass furnace construction to refractory linings and wear linings." He said the following about the requirements of a bricklayer: "Physical fitness comes first, be willing to drive a few meters for work, d. H. we are an assembly company. You also have to have a certain understanding of physics and mathematics - you should be able to cope with that.” A basic requirement in this job should be that you enjoy manuel work.

During the training, the trainees learn everything from building walls, plastering and laying plaster to building industrial chimneys. Managing Director Holger Schulz is, among other things, a trained furnace and chimney fitter himself and reports on the company’s areas of activity: “You see a lot of the world, not a month actually goes by without learning something new. From the classic porcelain industry and brickworks to the glass and mobile industry – there is a lot involved.” Holger Schulz also talks about art projects: “These are sculptures in the shape of industrial chimneys. For example, one is in front of the environmental agency in Augsburg. There we completely planned the chimney with the corresponding statics and construction.”

Our company was presented as part of the 'Mission: Training' that Radio SAW set up together with the IKK Gesund plus:
You can also find our apprenticeship positions on the associated website. All further information can be found on our homepage:

The DHZ reports in its issue of January 20th, 2023: Exemplary training companies honored


Wie wir schon berichtet haben wurden wir am 07.12.22 auf dem Schloss Köthen als Vorbildlicher Ausbildungsbetrieb geehrt. Nun berichtete die DHZ in ihrer Ausgabe von 20.01.23 auch davon. Mit einem Foto und Artikel wurden die prämierten Ausbildungsbetriebe vorgestellt.

Diese Auszeichnung ist nicht nur eine Würdigung unserer Arbeit als Ausbildungsbetrieb, auch ein Motivator in diesem Bereich weiter aktiv zu sein. Schon im Februar stehen neue Termine an, um unser Unternehmen aus Ausbildungsbetrieb in regionalen Schulen vorzustellen.

"Not all heroes wear cloaks!"


"Not all heroes wear cloakes!" That is the headline for the speech by Götz Ulrich (district administrator of the Burgenland district) in the booklet accompanying the volunteer card, which has been issued to people who work in volunteering since the end of 2022. Under certain conditions (read at: the card will be issued to you and your partner. With the volunteer card of the Burgenland district you can get various discounts. This is also the case in our schuba shop. You get a 10% discount on all materials all year round.

With the volunteer card, the district would like to thank everyone who works on a voluntary basis in the Burgenland district. We also think that it is important to appreciate volunteer work and to thank people and that is why we are happy to take part in this campaign.

Repair of anti-corrosion coating

In Poland, at the end of 2022, we were commissioned to repair the anti-corrosion coating of a long-standing customer. The condition of the 28 meter high steel chimney was monitored using a drone. In this way, our employees were able to obtain a comprehensive overview of the overall condition. The video analysis enables us to create an exact offer. Monitoring by drone flight saves the very costly deployment of personnel at height, which is normally necessary for this. The work was carried out professionally and according to the agreed deadlines.

Happy New Year


Feuerungsbau Günter Schulz wishes you and your families all the best in the new year!

We look forward to new orders, exciting challenges, nice conversations with our customers and suppliers and a happy, peaceful New Year 2023!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


When we look back at 2022, we see some challenges with the extension of our new hall, many exciting customer orders for our industrial furnace and chimney construction and, above all, our schuba shop with a new look and attached configurator. We have been online with the new shop since February. We would like to thank all customers who have placed their trust in us. Also everyone who took the time to give us their feedback / suggestions and also criticism. This is the only way we can continue to optimize and perfect. And we know we're not finished yet.

There will be new ideas, new impulses, new encounters for 2023, which we look forward to with joy. We look forward to new experiences and challenging customer projects. Give us a call and let us know how we can help you with this. Individual solutions and the appropriate professional advice are our specialty.

The Feuerungsbau Schulz team wishes you a merry and above all peaceful Christmas season and a happy new year 2023

Photo: Designed by Marifdez / Freepik

Let's do something that will last forever


Cheers to the craft was sung right at the beginning of the Chamber of Crafts award ceremony on December 7th, 2022 at Köthen Castle. Benoby's music video for the song ‚Was für immer bleibt‘ was played. Everyone in the room must have felt goosebumps and enthusiasm, because there were primarily craft businesses, their trainees, members of the Saxony-Anhalt Chamber of Crafts and relatives present. The best trainees were carried out. In addition, 'exemplary training companies', which are member companies of the Saxony-Anhalt chambers of crafts, guilds or district trade associations were awarded. Criteria for this are, for example, the number of trainees, their results in examinations, additional company offers for trainees or acquired qualifications.

We, Günter Schulz GmbH, were among the six winners and were able to take a great trophy and a certificate for the 'exemplary training company' with us to Balgstädt. Our commitment as a training company for crafts was thus recognized. It is an incentive to continue on this path and to find new ways to attract trainees to our industry. It is about helping to shape the new generations and adapting and modernizing the trade to new circumstances. This requires the right employees and we continue to work on finding them and getting them enthusiastic about our trade as furnace and chimney builders.

We took a lot of impressions of the craft in general with us from this afternoon. In the words of welcome from Mr. Runge (President of the Saxony-Anhalt Handicrafts Day), it was clearly emphasized that handicrafts are sustainable. "Crafts don't throw away, crafts repair." Crafts are needed for the energy transition and every day in all other areas. Craftsmanship is tradition and an indispensable part of our lives. In his subsequent speech, it was very important to Mr. Beck (State Secretary in the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Equal Opportunities of the State of Saxony-Anhalt) to strengthen the self-confidence of the skilled trades and to encourage the industry to appear self-confident. He also pointed out equality in trades, which is not always easy, but is extremely important. Because diversity / a high variety / a mix is ​​more profitable for companies and you get different perspectives. These in turn lead to better and more sustainable decisions, and he referred to relevant studies.

So: Let's do something in the craft that will last forever. We would be happy to support you.

More Information at:

photos: orginator (Handwerkskammer Halle) / Feuerungsbau Schulz

Winner in the category 'Environmental Alliance Special Prize'


The environmental alliance award was presented for the 8th time. The award was held under the motto 'Climate and resource protection as an economic success factor'. We were invited as finalists to the IHK in Magdeburg on November 14th, 2022 with our project 'rainwater collection system for water use for our stone processing centre'.

At the opening, Klaus Olbricht (President of the Magdeburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce) welcomed all participants and guests. Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann (Minister for Science, Energy, Climate Protection and the Environment of the State of Saxony-Anhalt) then delivered his welcoming address - also on behalf of the patron of the environmental alliance Dr. Reiner Haseloff (Prime Minister of the State of Saxony-Anhalt) – to everyone present. Subsequently, new members were admitted to the Environmental Alliance and three ambassadors were appointed who will represent the Environmental Alliance of Saxony-Anhalt from now on. Afterwards Prof. Dr. Franziska Scheffler (Professor at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg) gave her keynote address on the subject of "Thermal storage - energy-saving cans with a positive climate balance". A musical interlude by Anja Halefeldt (pianist) followed.

Three finalists traveled to the award ceremony of the Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Alliance 2022. They have applied in the following categories:

• Corporate management that protects the climate and resources
• Innovative environmental ideas
• Special prize from the environmental alliance

The property company Pfälzer Ufer GbR, Uferstrom GbR, Halle (Saale) was the winner in the category "Climate and resource-saving corporate management" with their project 'Transformation am Pfälzer Ufer'. An exciting but also long-term task as we were able to experience. The company from Merseburg was congratulated as the winner in the "Innovative Environmental Ideas" category. They impressed the jury with their all-round sustainable USB cable for smartphones, tablets and laptops and we were also able to get to know 'recable'. Cheerfully colorful and sustainable!

In the "Environmental Alliance Special Prize" category, we prevailed against the finalists Hermes Germany with 'Green Delivery Magdeburg' and the company W. u. H. Fernholz GmbH & Co. KG, Schkopau. We at Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG were very pleased about this award and are once again convinced of our project and are pleased that it is being honored in this way.

More information on the Saxony-​Anhalt Environmental Alliance Award 2022

Our application video can be found here ...

(Photo by Victoria Kühne)

Award of the Environmental Alliance Saxony-Anhalt


Yesterday the time had come: we were invited to the award ceremony of the Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Alliance. Various companies that applied with their project this year with outstanding entrepreneurial achievements in the field of resource efficiency were on site.
21 contributions were submitted. Three companies were nominated in each of the categories “Climate and resource-saving corporate management”, “Innovative environmental ideas” and for the special prize. After presenting the companies in an applicant video for the special award, Marko Mühlstein (Managing Director of the State Energy Agency Saxony-Anhalt GmbH) held a laudatory speech for the winning company. When he said it, it quickly became clear to us that we had won.

We are proud to announce that we have won the special prize of the Environmental Alliance Saxony-Anhalt 2022 with our project 'Rainwater collection system for water use for our stone processing centre'. We received a great trophy, beautiful flowers, a certificate and an oversized check with €5,000 in prize money. A cash injection that we can use well, because we are continuing to work on our overall project in order to be able to offer 3D modeling in different stone qualities (using rainwater) within a very short time in the future.

We will report in more detail once we have received the press photos.

Recently in the Naumburger Tageblatt: "Wear-resistant" future


Establishment of a unique 3D configurator and construction of a new production hall mean a major development step for the furnace construction company from Balgstadt.
Here's the whole article
Thanks to Mr. Löffler for the visit and the nice conversation in advance.

Conversion of roof construction


Here at the Balgstädt site, we are now in the final conversion phase to expand our business. We added a large production hall to an existing building. This provides sufficient space for the large components that can be coated and prefabricated on site in the area of ​​wear protection in the future. In addition, an existing warehouse was converted in this context to create space for our multifunctional CNC milling machine (stone processing center). This should be delivered and set up by the end of the year. It is the last piece of the puzzle in our plan to offer custom-made stones. In advance, we installed a 3D configurator in our online shop at

So that there is sufficient freedom of movement for the new milling machine, our roof construction in the existing warehouse was dismantled and reinstalled (see pictures). We have thus created height and will be able to fully utilize all functions of the tiller in the future. We look forward to testing and reporting on these. The working area of ​​the machine is so large that we can process stone slabs measuring 3.50 x 2 m. However, small formats are also possible. We can place several of these on the worktop so that the machine can process them efficiently one after the other.

Custom stone cuts - simply order in our schuba-shop 3D configurator


Interesting for industrial needs:

Here is an example of a somewhat more complex stone cutting. Our customer ordered from the stone configurator at and we were able to cut the stone directly. For comparison, the customer can view the 3D model during the ordering process and can be sure that everything fits.

Application for the prize 'Climate and resource protection as an economic success factor'


We submitted a concept to the environmental alliance for a competition. It is about climate and resource protection as an economic success factor. We were accepted as a member of the environmental alliance in February 2021. Now we're in the final and hoping to win. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

The concept is about our new stone processing center. It works with state-of-the-art CNC stone processing technology, which results in high water consumption because water cooling is used here. We have therefore installed an intelligent rainwater utilization concept with fill level monitoring, which enables us to produce almost independently of drinking water. Due to the filter systems used and a recycling principle for the dirty saw water, only minimal amounts of waste water are produced. For this purpose, 9 storage tanks with a capacity of 170,000 liters were installed in the hall floor of our new building.

With the stone processing center, we are able to bring refractory and natural stones into the desired shapes and to provide them with individual bores and openings in the shortest possible time. If you need cut stones or shaped stones, visit: or go to the configurator in the schuba shop.

"Top Employer Construction 2022" seal of the Construction Industry Association


In February 2022, we received the "Top Employer Construction 2022" seal from the Saxony-Anhalt Construction Industry Association. In addition, Giso Töpfer (CEO of the Saxony-Anhalt Construction Industry Association) was at our location in Balgstädt for the handover to our Managing Director Holger Schulz. A glass stele with the company logo and a certificate were handed over.

In order to obtain the seal, our company, Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG, was evaluated according to a 15-point catalog with various criteria. These were i.a. Working hours, further training opportunities, vacation days, equipping employees with personal protective equipment and IT technology, additional offers and also remuneration. We were able to achieve the required number of points to achieve the seal and are happy about this award. This shows our long-standing employees and new applicants that we are an attractive employer and that we have an excellent working environment.

Steel chimney in Chemnitz


At the end of last year, the Chemnitz housing cooperative commissioned us to build a new steel chimney. With the help of a crane, the colored 13.5 m high chimney could be erected at the headquarters in Alfred-Neubert Straße in Chemnitz. Thanks to good coordination and the hard-working hands of everyone involved, the installation could be completed, checked and approved within one morning. In the future, this colored steel chimney will be used to discharge the smoke gases.

Thousands of fireclay bricks for a historic ring kiln


The company Gillrath Ziegel- & Klinkerwerke GmbH & Co. KG is a family business that operates a Hoffmann ring kiln for the production of clinker bricks and clinker brick slips and thus operates the only ring kiln that produces in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is one of the last of its kind and dates from the 18th century.

You can find more information about the ring kiln itself at the following link:

Our task was to completely demolish a furnace section in cooperation with the customer and then rebuild it. For our customer, keeping to the schedule was the top priority. With about 3 weeks of working time "around the clock" we were able to more than meet the scheduled schedule. During this time, thousands of fireclay bricks were installed. In addition to the straight course of the furnace, a section of the very complex "curve" was also renewed, including the entrance doors, flue gas vents and stoke hole openings (pipe openings in the ceiling through which coke is refilled and the fire stoked).

Condition monitoring masonry chimney


In Bavaria, our chimney construction team was asked to monitor the condition of a 70 m masonry chimney. Our camera drone was used to reduce the risk to staff and the time spent on the exam. In addition, an interior inspection was carried out to check the inside of the chimney. The aim was to document existing damage. So it was possible to get a concrete overview of the overall condition and to make an even more precise offer for repairs.

The local customer is a company that we worked with for the first time. For this reason, we are all the more pleased about the evaluation with the following words: "fast, uncomplicated and competent". If our work is rated that way, then everything went well. Thank you for these words and to a good cooperation!

Take care of yourself and stay healthy!


What a crazy year is coming to an end! Despite all the circumstances, we wish you peaceful hours with your loved ones. Make something special out of your Christmas traditions, enjoy a cup of tea or mulled wine in a cozy little group. Let the little beautiful things grow big during the Christmas season, so you can forget about everything around. Take care of each other and yourself!

Merry Christmas to you and your families
Sincerely yours team from Feuerungsbau Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG

Meeting of the environmental alliance in Sangerhausen


Members of the Environmental Alliance Saxony-Anhalt met on September 22nd in the Europa-Rosarium Sangerhausen to exchange ideas on energy efficiency and CO2 pricing. In addition, seven new members were accepted into the alliance. Our company, Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG, Balgstädt, was one of them. The workshop was organized by the State Office for Environmental Protection (LAU) and the State Energy Agency Saxony-Anhalt GmbH (LENA). All 240 member companies of the alliance have committed themselves to special achievements in corporate environmental protection and implement measures that go beyond legal requirements. The most important goal is the careful use of natural resources. *

You can find more information at

* Source: Press release no .: 17/2021 from the State Office for Environmental Protection, Halle

You can view the complete press release under the following link:

Welcome to the construction industry!


On September 1st, 2021 we will be welcoming two new apprentices to our company. We look forward to starting a new training year together!

They will betrained as a bricklayer in furnace construction with us. There is a lot of variety in the 3 years of training. Various projects are waiting for our newcomers. Sometimes it goes up to chimneys, listed buildings or industrial plants and then again they work on ovens, incineration plants or even on mills. Boredom never arises!

From the engineering department


In the south of Germany we were ordered to a graphitization furnace. First, an inventory was made. Originally it was 'only' about the renovation. However, it turned out that the existing technical documents were insufficient for the conversion and left some unanswered questions. So our engineering department was entrusted with the extensive calculations and the creation of a 3D model. The need for steel, for example, was ultimately higher than originally thought and could now be precisely determined. So there were no unwanted delays due to a lack of raw materials in the renovation. When the order was concluded, the steel tubs with a length of 21 m and a width of 2.20 m each were completely renewed. They were made by our steel construction company HSB and delivered on time for further operation.

Renovation needed


A chimney in Finsterwalde ... Here you can clearly see the signs of the times. The listed masonry chimney is to be renovated. It stands on the site of the former cloth factory, which was built in 1889/1890. The buildings have been empty since 1990. A new cultural center with a town hall is currently being built there, into which the chimney is to be integrated as a monument. A challenging, great project that we are very happy to support.

The aim is to clean the 46 m high chimney, replace damaged clinker bricks and grout the masonry. Furthermore, the climb is to be revised and the old platform at the chimney head dismantled. In future, the chimney will only have a role to play in shaping the cityscape; it is not planned to use it again as an exhaust system. So it's going up high again for our employees. In compliance with all safety regulations and the client's specifications, hard work has been and is being done here.

Here are more details:

Europe is investing here in the future of our country.


For our current project '3D configurator for online shop' we are receiving funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Further information is available at
You can find our proof of this under the download area with the following link:
The project period is from February 18th until December 31rst 2021.

We look forward to an exciting project with our partners and a good cooperation.

They are done


Our new brochures
Furnace construction | Chimney construction | Special building construction
... with many impressive pictures of our daily work and our range of services in the field of furnace construction, chimney construction and special structural engineering. If you are interested, we will be happy to pass them on to you. Just write to us at

Alternatively, it can be downloaded from> Firing construction company brochure

Small format work


In a Bavarian plant, a silo that is filled with abrasive raw materials was equipped with a wear-protected filling connection. This filling connection consists of a ceramic-lined, modified Storz hose coupling. Otherwise we line whole mills, but a sure instinct was required here. Because the flange has a diameter of only 65 mm and a height of 185 mm. The lining with aluminum oxide in this format was made to match and glued in place. This job doesn't take up a lot of space, but it does take time and a steady hand.

Vietnam - lining of ball mills

After a long wait for approval to travel to Vietnam, one of our experienced employees is on site. With compliance with all hygiene and quarantine regulations after the trip, he was able to start work on the construction site. The on-site job includes the professional lining of two ball mills. With detailed installation plans, precisely fitting aluminum oxide stones and the corresponding epoxy resin adhesive, he is well equipped and hard at work. He lines the cylinders with a thickness of 50 mm. The manhole and the corresponding cover will also be re-lined. The mills are used to crush mineral raw materials. The planned time on the construction site is several weeks.

Planning, delivery and installation of an exhaust system


The project comprised the modernization of the exhaust gas unit on a gas turbine system, starting with planning, through to production, delivery and assembly.

The following areas were dismantled, newly manufactured by our steel construction and reassembled by our specialist staff from the furnace construction:

- exhaust pipes
- expansion joints
- Exhaust silencer
- Flue gas shut-off valves
- Heat / sound insulation pipelines
- System technology accessories and connection parts

The entire project took around 12 months from planning to complete implementation. Through transparent and close coordination with the customer, the planned time for the project could be adhered and the system was put back into operation as planned. A project in which we were able to use all of our skills in a targeted and professional manner. Herewith once again praise to all employees who were involved in the project! We are very satisfied with the project completion.

Takeover and completion of an order for relining a belt hardening furnace


Our international customer - a manufacturer and developer of fasteners - commissioned us to reload a conveyor belt furnace.
Our tasks included the complete removal of the defective refractory lining in the belt hardening furnace and the storage of the demolition material in containers provided by the customer. However, the main focus was on the professional installation of a refractory lining in the belt hardening furnace in the areas of the ceiling, the side walls, the front wall (furnace entrance), the floor and the front wall (hopper area). The material was delivered at short notice and on time from our own warehouse and by one of our suppliers with whom we have maintained a good and reliable business relationship for years.

We are pleased that we have been repeatedly used as contractors for this customer and thank you for the good cooperation.

New lining of classifier - fast & precise


A new order that we got delivered to the house. A southern European customer delivered a classifier unit, which was re-lined at our company location. A precisely fitting aluminum oxide lining was used as wear protection.

In small-scale manual work, this was assembled according to the construction, which we received in advance. This resulted in a fast, precise and timely execution, in compliance with all customer specifications.

Fröhliche Weihnachten


Wir wünschen fröhliche Weihnachten,
Zeit zur Entspannung,
Besinnung auf die wirklich wichtigen Dinge
und viele Lichtblicke im kommenden Jahr.

Das Team der Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG

Made-to-measure work: project completion at the Imerys Group


At the end of November, we were able to successfully finish the lining of a ball mill with a diameter of 2.46 m for our customer of the Imerys Group.
Our work included the complete engineering, the provision of the necessary materials, the removal of the old mill lining, sandblasting work in preparation and the professional installation of a perfectly fitting wear lining made of aluminum oxide. Smooth bricks were used on the front sides. However, in the mill casing, shaft wedge bricks were used entirely. Our on-site employees delivered a precise result.

The customer's conclusion:
We are very satisfied with the work done in connection with the project of the new brick lining of the ball mill, all work was carried out as planned on schedule and in the required quality. In the end, the work was completed even before the specified deadline. The workflow went smoothly and the communication with the employees was always good and friendly. Overall, the total output performance of your company is definitely absolutely recommendable. Many thanks

Extension of our framework agreement with Schott AG

Due to our good cooperation so far, we were able to continue to conclude the framework agreements with the glass manufacturer Schott AG at the Jena location for the coming years. We have been on site for the Schott company for many years and are available at short notice for emergency operations. Basically, we, Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG, take on all maintenance and repair work there that is necessary and legally required on the highly specialized glass furnaces. A good, trusting partnership has been established right from the start.

We look forward to continuing our good cooperation!

Burgenland company run 2020

This year we took part in the Burgenland company run for the first time.
It was an all-round successful event and we look forward to seeing you again next year.
Many thanks go to our runners and the organizers of the event.

#Firmenlaufburgenland #Feuerungsbau #SchubaShop #Burgenland

International? We can!


In recent years we have been able to win more and more international customers. For example, we are active in the area of wear protection for the repair, refurbishment and new construction of drum and ball mills in countries such as Sri Lanka, Saudi-Arabia, Vietnam, Russia and Spain. This requires some logistical preparation, which we can handle smoothly based on our experience. The organization of flights, accommodations, transfers and other arrangements with our customers is easy for us. Our specialist staff works with the employees on site and - depending on the request and type of order - works in coordination with your team. We would be happy to organize the necessary materials for you! For example, we obtain wear protection ceramics directly from our own warehouse, as we regularly keep them for sale in our Schuba Shop. So we can provide you with supplies at short notice.

We take on your orders quickly, easily and internationally.

Recertification for the management according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015 (ISO 9001) and according to the normative SCC: 2011 (standard SCC **)


Anfang Juli haben wir als Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG die Rezertifizierung unseres integrierten Managementsystems in den Bereichen Qualitätsmanagement nach DIN EN ISO 9001 sowie Arbeitssicherheit nach SCC** erfolgreich bestritten.
Ein externer Auditor des TÜV Thüringen überprüfte bei einem Besuch am Unternehmensstandort sowie einem Baustellenbesuch die wirksame Anwendung unseres Managementsystems. Dies geschah durch Mitarbeiterbefragungen, Einsichtnahme in Dokumente und Beobachtung von Prozessabläufen.
Im Ergebnis des Audits wurde unser Managementsystem wiederholt als vollständig wirksam bewertet. Besonders hervorgehoben wurden die offene und konstruktive Atmosphäre im Unternehmen, der sehr strukturierte Ablauf unserer Projekte sowie der sehr hohe Dokumentationsstandard.
Wir als Günter Schulz GmbH & Co. KG verstehen unser Managementsystem selbstverständlich als Werkszeug für die Erfüllung der Wünsche und Anforderungen unserer Kunden unter Einhaltung der Forderungen aus Normen und Gesetzen aber auch als Werkzeug für die Umsetzung der Arbeitssicherheit und den Schutz unserer Mitarbeiter vor arbeits- bzw. berufsbedingten Gefährdungen.

It's finally here! Our new website


After a lot of discussion and hard work, our new website is finally ready to go live. We are now replacing and retiring our old website. It did a great job while it lasted, but the time for a new look has come. We are now launching our modernised and user-optimised appearance.

Our work equipment has also been modernised. It is subject to constant adaptation to the new challenges of our projects in furnace and chimney construction. To this end, we are constantly participating in further training to stay up to date in terms of general and occupational safety. Please contact us if you have any new projects, regardless of whether they are from the field of furnace construction/chimney construction/wear protection or engineering.

Any questions?

Than you simply write it to us.