Willst Du hoch hinaus oder bleibst Du lieber auf dem Boden der Tatsachen? >> Beides ist bei uns möglich!
Bei uns im Feuerungs- und Schornsteinbau gibt es jede Menge Abwechslung. Verschiedenste Projekte warten darauf von Dir mit angepackt zu werden. Mal geht es hoch in hinaus auf Schornsteine, denkmalgeschützte Bauwerke oder Industrieanlagen und dann wiederum arbeiten wir an Öfen, Verbrennungsanlagen oder auch an industriellen Mühlen. Langeweile kommt dabei nie auf!

Was Dich erwartet:
- Überdurschschnittliches Einkommen
- Stillstand gibt's nicht
- Keine verlorenen Überstunden mehr
- Top-Arbeitskleidung von UVEX
- Profi-Werkzeug von Milwaukee, Makita & Co
- Firmenfahrzeuge von Mercedes & VW
- Arbeitsunterstützende Hilfsmittel
- Reibungslose Einarbeitung
- Fixe Übernahme unserer Azubis
- Deine Zukunft ist uns wichtig
- Gesundheitsbonus
- Für Verbesserungsvorschläge wirst Du zusätzlich vergütet
Mit diesen Eigenschaften bist Du bei uns richtig:
- Du hast eine abgeschlossene Schulausbildung oder du schließt die Schule demnächst ab.
- Du möchtest mehr von der Welt sehen und bringst Reisebereitschaft für weltweite und interessante Projekte mit.
- Du arbeitest präzise, hast den Anspruch dich weiterzuentwickeln und bist wissbegierig.
- Du bist bereit dich auch etwas kniffligeren Aufgaben zu stellen und diese mit deinen Kollegen zu lösen.
- Du willst in einem Team arbeiten, was dich unterstützt, hinter dir steht und dir Antworten auf deine Fragen gibt.
Wir bilden folgende Berufe aus:
Einstiegsmöglichkeiten / Weiterbildung / Möglichkeiten der Weiterentwicklung:
- Ferienarbeit / Praktikum
- Flexibel nach Absprache
- Am Unternehmensstandort oder bei regionalen Baustellen
- Spezialisierung als Feuerungsmaurer in 2 Jahren
- Ausbildungsort Gelsenkirchen
- Fahrtkosten und Unterkunft übernehmen wir
- Meisterschule / Studium
- generell sind wir an Weiterbildungen unserer Mitarbeiter interessiert
- wir unterstützen Dich gern bei der Auswahl und finanzieren teilweise oder komplett
Unsere Azubis

How did you get into the profession of bricklayer?
"I wanted to do something crafty and like being active and moving."
What tasks have you been able to take on?
"Masonry work and plastering walls."
What do you like most about work?
"The working atmosphere and collaboration with colleagues."
How do you find the theoretical training at vocational school and what do you enjoy most?
"The lessons are well organized. I enjoy physical education the most."

How did you get into the profession of bricklayer?
"I wanted to do something crafty."
What tasks have you been able to take on?
"Drywall construction on the new extension at the company location."
What do you like most about work?
"The good atmosphere."
How do you find the theoretical training at vocational school and what do you enjoy most?
"The lessons are organized ok."

How did you get into the profession of bricklayer?
"I wanted to do something crafty, I like to be out in the fresh air, active and on the move. Plus, I've always enjoyed building something."
What tasks have you been able to take on?
"Masonry work on a chimney renovation, underpinning a roof, shuttering concrete structures."
What do you like most about work?
"Nice and friendly colleagues and the varied work."
How do you find the theoretical training at vocational school and what do you enjoy most?
"The vocational school is well organized. The lessons are educational and interesting. You learn a lot about the job in theory and practice."
What can we do better as a training company? What else can we support you with?
"I am completely satisfied with the training company. The company supports many things - academic or operational."

How did you get into the profession of bricklayer?
"More by chance."
What tasks have you been able to take on?
"Wear-resistant lining, repairing a furnace, lining a mill."
What do you like most about work?
"Always in a good mood among work colleagues. You are immediately integrated into the team and everyone tries to support me as best they can with questions, etc."

How did you get into the profession of bricklayer?
"I wanted to do something crafty, I like to be out in the fresh air, active and on the move. Plus, I've always enjoyed building something."
What tasks have you been able to take on?
"Drywall and plastering"
What do you like most about work?
"Working with friendly colleagues."
How do you find the theoretical training at vocational school and what do you enjoy most?
"My vocational school is very relaxed, but sometimes not well organized. I enjoy physical education the most."
What can we do better as a training company? What else can we support you with?
"There is nothing to improve"
Vorbildlicher Ausbildungsbetrieb

We were one of six companies to be recognized as an 'exemplary training company' by the Saxony-Anhalt Chamber of Crafts in 2022. Criteria for this include, for example, the number of trainees, their results in examinations, additional company offers for trainees or qualifications to be acquired. We were able to take a great trophy and a certificate for being an “exemplary training company” with us to Balgstädt. This recognized our commitment as a training company for the skilled trades. It is an incentive to continue on this path and to find new ways to attract trainees to our industry. It's about shaping the new generations and adapting and modernizing the craft sector to new circumstances. This requires the right employees and we continue to work on finding them and getting them excited about our profession in the trade as furnace and chimney builders.
We got a lot of impressions about crafts in general from this event. In the greetings from Mr. Runge (President of the Saxony-Anhalt Craft Day), it was clearly emphasized that craftsmanship is sustainable. “Crafts don’t throw away, crafts repair.” Crafts are needed for the energy transition and every day in all other areas. Craftsmanship is tradition and an indispensable part of our lives. In his speech afterwards, Mr. Beck (State Secretary in the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Equality of the State of Saxony-Anhalt) felt it was very important to strengthen the craft's self-confidence and to encourage the industry to appear self-confident. He also pointed out equality in skilled trades, which is not always easy but extremely important. Because diversity / a high level of diversity / a mix is more profitable for companies and this leads to different perspectives. These in turn lead to better and more sustainable decisions, and he referred to relevant studies.
So: Let's do something in the craft that lasts forever. We are happy to support as a training company.

Our apprenticeships:
- Bricklayer (m/f/d)
- Furnace and chimney builder (m/f/d)
- Structural construction worker (m/f/d)